Sunday, January 15, 2012

Reflections on Designing the Cover for Florence

"A Book Cover for Florence"

After creating the cover for the play Florence by Alice Childress, you are now required to reflect on the following and put them in your respective blogs:

1) What was my role in the designing of the book cover?
In designing of the book cover, I played an important role. I helped my friends by giving some ideas and opinion that help to produce this creative book cover. We work together so that we can give our best to complete this task. During creating the book cover, we did not just randomly put the symbols, writings and the background colours. Each of them brings their own meaning and what they symbolize. Well, we divided this task exactly into 3 for each of us.  Joe Wadle surveyed ‘Florence’ on internet then passed the information to Abdul Halim, Abdul Halim decorated creatively according to the information given while Muhammad Nazmi created based on Abdul Halim’s order by using his computer. Then we presented it together.

2) Was my opinion taken seriously by the others? Why?
Yes, indeed. Since this work is a group work, each member’s idea or opinion will be taken seriously and analysed. If they can come out with a concrete fact and supported by reasonable examples, then we can accept their ideas and put them on the blog. Furthermore, we don’t really have much choice instead of the time was really short.

3) What have I learnt from this task?
Well, the first thing that I have learnt is cooperation among members in a group. We work together and share ideas in order to finish this task. Besides that, I also learn, not only me but also my group member, we learn that we need to be more tolerance towards each other especially when we give out our own ideas and opinion. We listen to our friend’s ideas and if they can come out with excellent ideas, we will consider putting it on this blog. We can say that everybody was trying to donate good ideas for this task and wanted to do the best. Maybe this is because our maturity. We agreed to say that it was hard to consider others ideas at first but the next 20 minutes, we already adapted to survive the situations. 

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